BEF REC Portfolio

BEF REC Portfolio


Transform Wind to Power

Project Name
Standard /
Wind – National Portfolio
North America, USA

Our portfolio of wind REC projects from across the US are an affordable choice for businesses of all sizes who want to be powered by the wind.

Green-e Energy®
Wind – Western States

Contribute to the wind energy grid in the great western states of the USA.

WREGIS Registered

Capture the Sun

Project Name
Standard /
Solar – National Portfolio
North America, USA

Harness the sun from sea to shining sea. Our portfolio of REC projects from across the country meets EPA Green Power Program, LEED, and other voluntary and compliance standards.

Green-e Energy®
Solar – Western States

Contribute to the renewable energy grid in the sunny western states of the USA.

WREGIS Registered
Stacked RECs

As a nonprofit provider of RECs, a portion of earned revenue from REC sales supports our many mission-based programs. By selecting a Stacked REC, you get to designate which specific program a portion of the revenue will go toward, and stack the benefits of offsetting with program impacts.

Project Name
Standard /
CE Bright Futures Stacked REC (Underlying REC – BEF Choice)
North America

Preparing the next generation of leaders for a clean energy future

CE is a national clean energy, career connected education program. Together with schools, educators and industry, we strive to build a clean energy future to ensure that our communities and the environment are thriving and resilient. We work to expand access to opportunities for all students regardless of their geography, gender, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Green-e Energy®
Tribal Renewable Energy Fund Stacked REC (Underlying REC – BEF Choice)
North America

Building community, resilience, and energy independence on indigenous lands

Support tribal renewable energy projects through your REC purchase. Tribal renewable energy programs provide much needed energy independence, resilience, and reduced energy costs to tribal nations while also supporting hands-on workforce development and local STEM education.

Green-e Energy®
West Coast Tree Planting Stacked REC (Underlying REC – BEF Choice)
North America

Providing funding for tree planting partners up and down the West Coast

BEF has numerous partners along the West Coast of the USA planting trees for habitat restoration and recovery. This unique product will pair a tree planting with a Green-e Energy certified REC so for every REC you purchase you can also plant a tree.

Green-e Energy®
Promise the Pod Stacked REC (Underlying REC – BEF Choice)
North America

Save the orcas we all love

The Southern Resident orcas living along the West Coast are down to just 74 individuals. Restoring streams that feed into the Pacific, planting trees that benefit regional habitat, and engaging the next generation of orca caretakers will help these pods have the food and clean water they need to thrive.

Green-e Energy®
Sunward Stacked REC (Underlying REC – BEF Choice)
North America

Sunward – Building Community Energy Together

Dedicated to providing the economic and environmental benefits of solar and renewable energy to low-income and tribal communities through community specific development support. We build partnerships that develop renewable energy projects and deliver wealth building and cost savings to communities.

Green-e Energy®
International RECs

Project Name
Standard /
RECs from Around the World

Please inquire about international REC availability and pricing by contacting Heather Schrock, Director, Environmental Partnerships.

*Standard/Verification Key:

ACR - American Carbon Registry

BFRS - BEF Flow Restoration Standard

CAR - Climate Action Reserve

Green-e Energy® - Certified by the Center for Resource Solutions

GS - Gold Standard

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - Project Verifier

Various - Applicable global standard

VCS - Verified Carbon Standard

Watercourse Engineering - Project Verifier

WREGIS Registered - WREGIS Registered

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